
Fat-Digits is an ongoing project created by my parter, Chris Domini (c.domini studio), and myself during lockdown of 2020 in London, showcasing my favourite scenes and compositions. The project provided a creative outlet for us, whilst working a corporate position through Covid times. In heindsight, Fat-Digits was a savour of our sanity and created motivation during the otherwise relentless monotony of Lockdowns. This is the project which really brough my photography to front of mind as being more than a hobby, after 10 years of traveling shooting film.

All images on this site are the exclusive property of Christopher Hendriks and are protected by copyright law. Unauthorised reproduction, distribution, modification, or usage of these images is strictly prohibited without explicit consent from Christopher Hendriks.

For licensing inquiries or usage permissions, please contact Christopher Hendriks at christopher.hendriks@live.com.au. Thank you for respecting the intellectual property rights of the artist.

Website design & build by C. Domini Studio